IT’S A trend better known in major cities, but a ‘cat cafe’ proved a hit in rural Dumfriesshire on Sunday.
The venue was Kettle-Home, a commercially operated community hub and cafe in the old village hall building at Kettleholm.
Proprietor Daryl Collins was delighted with the response with almost 50 people attending the four sessions during the day and enjoying breakfasts, snacks and other meals.

A selection of immaculately cared for and groomed British Short Hair cats were on hand and were provided by Daryl’s mother Marion Collins, a cat breeder and exhibitor, based near Lockerbie.
Daryl explained that cat cafes had proved popular elsewhere because many people enjoyed the company of cats and there was a school of opinion that they had a therapeutic effect and stroking them reduced stress.
He said: “We were delighted by the interest with some guests travelling a distance to get here and this is something we will try again.”