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Celebrating breastfeeding milestones

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By Fiona Reid
Celebrating breastfeeding milestones

THE red carpet was rolled out for breastfeeding mums in Annandale this week.

Celebrations were held at the weekly drop in support groups in Lockerbie and Annan as part of National Breastfeeding Awareness Week.
Certificates were presented to mums recognising their breastfeeding milestones, including one for over two years of feeding.
The theme of this year’s national awareness week is continuing to breastfeeding.
Peer support volunteer Fiona Robson, of Annan, explained: “It’s about support and continuing the breastfeeding journey. You do not have to stop at six weeks or three months, you can continue for however long you and your baby want.
“To encourage that we give out certificates at six weeks; three, six and nine months; a year; 18 months; and two years. It has definitely generated an interest.”
Fellow volunteer Kate Smith, of Canonbie, suggests the drop in sessions at Annan and Lockerbie can also encourage mothers to keep going.
She said: “Being around other breastfeeding mums normalises it. There’s no pressure, they can come and get information and there’s no such thing as a stupid question. We are not going to force you to do it.
“We are there for the whole process, even helping to stop when they are ready.
“We would just encourage those with an interest in and who support breastfeeding to use the service, and pregnant women can come too, as well as those who have moved on but who want to share their experiences.”
To further help mums on their journey, Bump and Baby Friends also give out a series of gifts, including an NHS bib at six weeks, a logo dribble bib at three months, a weaning spoon at six months, keyfob at a year and a medal if they get to two years.
The support group in Annan has a new venue and time and now meets Wednesday mornings, 9.30-11 am at the white cottage in Greencroft Wynd, while the Lockerbie group meets on Tues, 1.30-3pm at Mid Annandale Playcare.

ACHIEVEMENTS . . . Siobhan Thomson and Douglas, peer support volunteer Lois McCloskey, Amy Hoffmann with Jacob and Penny McLatchie with Freya at the Lockerbie drop in
ACHIEVEMENTS . . . Siobhan Thomson and Douglas, peer support volunteer Lois McCloskey, Amy Hoffmann with Jacob and Penny McLatchie with Freya at the Lockerbie drop in

Annan and Eskdale

13th Mar

Pool kept busy

By Fiona Reid | DNG24