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Census paints a picture of region

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By Fiona Reid
Census paints a picture of region

DUMFRIES and Galloway has the second highest number of residents aged over 65 in Scotland.

According to data just released from the 2022 Census, 27.1 per cent of the region’s population falls in that age bracket.

And it’s second only in national terms to Argyll and Bute.

Meanwhile, the statistics also show that Dumfries and Galloway’s total population rose by 3.6 per cent between 2011-22, while its population density is low, coming in at 22.7 people per square kilometre.

There was also an increase in the number of households locally over the decade, up by 3.9 per cent.

Commenting on the Census snapshot, NRS chief executive Janet Egdell said: “The results paint a fascinating picture of how Scotland and our communities are changing.

“Census data is vital for planning health services, education and transport and the information published through our results will help local and central government, businesses and charities to shape Scotland for years to come.”

The population of Scotland was estimated to be 5,436,600 on Census Day 2022, the largest ever.

Dumfries and West, Front

15th Mar

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By Fiona Reid | DNG24