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Centre of resilience to open in Dumfries

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By Fiona Reid
Dumfries and West
Centre of resilience to open in Dumfries

A STRATEGIC hub to tackle Scotland’s natural hazards will open at the Crichton Campus in Dumfries later this month.

But although the move is being promoted as a boost for the area, criticism has been voiced at the number of jobs created at The National Centre for Resilience (NCR).
The University of Glasgow’s School of Interdisciplinary Studies has been chosen to host the centre and key projects will include the development of science notes for specific hazards.
Longer term, hazard forecasting tools to better predict natural hazards will be developed with key partners such as the Met Office, Scottish Environment Protection Agency and the British Geological Survey through the Natural Hazard Partnership.
However, Labour MSP Dr Elaine Murray said: “The Scottish Government have completely conned the people of Dumfries and Galloway with the hopes of job creation at the National Centre of Resilience.”
Noting the jobs lost at the police and fire and rescue control rooms, she added: “We were led to believe that the establishment of the NCR would make up for the 46 local jobs which were axed because of their centralisation agenda, but the fact that only two jobs are being created shows what a complete myth that was.”
However, the Scottish Government say a total of four new posts are being created.
In addition to two existing Scottish Government staff and two existing University of Glasgow academic researchers funded by the Scottish Funding Council, there will be ‘at least’ two new research posts plus an administrative post and a managerial post. Director of the Crichton Institute Dr Carol Hill said: “We are delighted to have been awarded the contract to host this multi-disciplinary centre and to be able to play an important part in supporting national planning for resilience to natural hazards.
“The NCR will, I hope, become a national centre of excellence in its work to strengthen co-operation amongst academics, responders and resilience partner organisations as well as communities and individuals operating in the field of resilience.”

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