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Charities fear for future amid cost crisis

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By Fiona Reid
Charities fear for future amid cost crisis

CHARITIES operating in Dumfries and Galloway have warned of closures amid spiralling energy costs.

Community groups and good causes locally say the cost-of-living crisis is already forcing cuts in services and could lead to closures.

A survey of third sector organisations revealed this week that 38 per cent had experienced a negative impact on services due to financial pressures.

Yet, more than half expected an increase in service demand due to the crisis.

Third Sector Dumfries and Galloway (TSDG) chief executive Norma Austin Hart, pictured, said: “Our research reveals a worrying picture for the third sector and the services they deliver, with 28 per cent indicating a reduction in services and ten per cent a closure.

“So many are feeling the pressure from reduced income and increased costs along with a higher demand for what they provide — a perfect storm of circumstances. We are calling on government at all levels to recognise that communities are struggling and are looking for quick practical responses.”

Other concerns included the jump in fuel for staff and volunteer transport, a lack of planning for the extra pressure on budgets and the impact of future energy rises.

Actions being taken range from additional fundraising and making energy savings to closing premises and asking staff to work at home.

Front, Nostalgia

03rd Feb

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By Fiona Reid | DNG24