Claire Collett, above left, undertook a 100 mile sponsored walking challenge throughout June.
And last Thursday she crossed the finish line at the Everholm trim track, with piper Irvine Torbett on hand to mark her final steps.
Mum-of-two Claire, who was given the all clear for cervical cancer earlier this year following eight weeks of radiotherapy, was accompanied in her walking by her cousin Gillian Carey.
They turned out in rain and shine and even when Claire was still feeling under the weather.
Lots of family and friends turned up to cheer on the duo on their last day, including her dad Lindsay Brockie who wore a tartan tutu for the occasion.
Thanking everyone for their financial and moral support, Claire said: “Massive thanks to all who have donated, I’m over the moon with the amount raised so far for a charity so close to my heart.
“I never thought for one minute we would raise as much when I decided to do the challenge but am so full of gratitude to be able to add to the total of all that took part in the 100 miles in June for a charity that means so much to me and many others.”
- More pics in this week’s paper