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Club joins council in mental health boost

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By Joseph Gartly
Club joins council in mental health boost

GRETNA FC 2008 and Dumfries and Galloway Council have teamed up to promote equality and mental health within footballing communities.

Councillor Archie Dryburgh will use his share of this year’s councillor grant in a deal to sponsor the club’s strip which will promote the Nil by Mouth charity and the Healthy Working Lives campaign.
Councillor Dryburgh said: “Football is a real passion of mine and I was a volunteer at Annan Athletic for a number of years.
“I’m very proud of all the local clubs in our region and know that football can be a real force for good.
“That’s why I decided to use my grant for this year to help promote both the sport and two causes I feel very passionate about.”
Healthy Working Lives is an NHS service which provides assistance to the self-employed or employees of small businesses who are experiencing injury or ill-health and having difficulty remaining at work.
Nil by Mouth was set up by Glasgow teen Cara Henderson and aims to challenge fan behaviour at football matches.
Spokesman for Nil by Mouth Dave Scott said: “Football is for everyone in the community. We will be working with local schools to promote this.
“I hope we show people this really is the beautiful game.”
Also sponsoring the kit this year will be Yesss Electrical.
Branch manager Colin Carter said: “We hope to invest and redevelop.
“I hope to install better floodlights. I hope to help make it become viable.”

Photo: back row, left to right: Colin Carter, Stuart Rome, Archie Dryburgh, Dave Scott.
Front: Erin Carter


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