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Coastal cash up for grabs

By Marc McLean, local democracy reporter
Coastal cash up for grabs

COASTAL communities locally are being invited to stake their claim for a slice of £500,000 cash available to improve their local area.

A total of £717,303 is to be handed over to Dumfries and Galloway Council through this year’s coastal benefit fund.

While councillors previously agreed to allocate 30 percent of the money (£215,190) to investing in coastal paths and harbour infrastructure, the remaining £502,113 is up for grabs in community group applications.

Scottish Ministers made a commitment in 2014 that they would provide 100 percent of the net revenue from Scottish Crown Estate marine assets to local authorities for coastal community benefit – if management of the assets was devolved.

This will be the sixth allocation to Dumfries and Galloway Council since the management of the Scottish Crown Estate was devolved, and it means that dozens of groups/organisations in the region will receive a share of the six-figure sum of cash.

Scottish Ministers’ expectation for the fund is for the council to ensure that the cash is spent on new initiatives/projects that benefit

coastal communities, particularly around environmental enhancement, emissions reduction or removal of waste, jobs, tourism, skills development, diversification projects, investment for community purposes, and climate change adaptation.

The six-figure payment is expected this summer, but in the meantime the application process will be opened up to community groups/organisations.

Council officer are now recommending that two community funding streams are set up: small grants up to £5000 – with a budget of £125,528 available; large grants up to £50,000 – with a budget of £376,584.

If approved by councillors next week, the application process is scheduled to open on February 21. The deadline for submissions will be March 28.


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