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Colin’s Criffel climb was major achievement

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By Fiona Reid
Lockerbie and Lochmaben
Colin’s Criffel climb was major achievement

WALKING helped Colin Stevenson recover from a stroke and now he’s put his best foot forward for a good cause.

Colin, from Lochmaben, has climbed 506 metres to the top of Criffel to raise money for the Castle Loch Lochmaben Community Trust.

After having part of his lung surgically removed and then suffering a major stroke in September 2019, breathing and exercise were difficult for Colin.

But Castle Loch became the go-to place during his recovery as he slowly ventured outdoors, often visiting the loch for walks to build up his strength.

And two years on from his major operation he decided to fundraise for the Castle Loch Community Trust to help them continue their conservation work in the area.

Colin, who is a yard supervisor at Russell Roof Tiles Lochmaben, came up with the idea after his workplace announced it would match the donations that employees raised through challenges and events.

Along with daughter Karen, Colin got to the top of Criffel in three and a half hours, raising £1400 in the process.

He said: “In 2019 my life completely changed, after having a small section of my lung removed, and then suffering from a stroke.

“I never thought I’d be able to walk up Criffel. Thanks to the Castle Loch Lochmaben Community Trust, I was able to start walking around the loch and building my strength up little by little.

“This year, I wanted to take on something that would be a huge challenge and raise money for the charity that helped me get my life back. The climb wasn’t an easy one, but I got there. I couldn’t have done it without the support of my friends, family and colleagues.”

He hopes his donation will ensure that the conservation of the area is maintained and that people within the community can continue to walk around the loch.

Congratulating Colin for his bravery in taking on the hill climb, Russell Roof Tiles operations director Bruce Laidlaw said: “Colin is an inspiration to us all. He’s undeterred by his health condition and the 506-metre ascent.

“He’s the first person this year at Russell Roof Tiles, to have taken on an extreme challenge on his own. He’s set the bar high and raised a significant amount for the Castle Loch Lochmaben Community Trust, a charity close to Colin and Russell Roof Tiles.

“From me and the rest of the team, you’ve done us all proud.”


13th Mar

What a kit!

By Fiona Reid | DNG24