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Colourful summer ahead

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By Amanda Kennedy
Colourful summer ahead

DUMFRIES will come to life this summer thanks to a £15,000 investment by the council.

A choc-a-bloc calendar of events will take place in the town centre from June through to early September, including live music, street entertainment and popular festivals and events such as Guid Nychburris, the Scottish Rally, Youthbeatz, the Nithraid and a busking competition during the August Bank Holiday.
The £15,000 of funding aims to stimulate and support an eclectic and colourful season of entertainment for local people and visitors to take in and enjoy.
Provost of Dumfries and chair of Nithsdale Area Committee, Councillor Ted Thompson said “The council is committed to supporting the creativity and energy that abounds among local people to make our town a really enjoyable and inclusive place to live.
“The programme of town centre and Dock Park entertainment we are funding is part of this ongoing effort, and I’m really pleased that I’ve been able to take a hand’s on role to get things moving in my role as Provost.”


05th Feb

Foot down for tractor run

By Fiona Reid | DNG24