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Community effort to clean up Lockerbie

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By Fiona Reid
Lockerbie and Lochmaben
Community effort to clean up Lockerbie

HELP us to keep our town tidy!

That’s the message from Lockerbie and District Litter Pickers, who are encouraging anyone who wants to join their regular clean up efforts to get in touch.

They also have bags, grabbers and hi-viz equipments available to loan out to townsfolk.

The group was set up about two years ago and member Karen Agnew said: “Members have been out and about in force litter picking in and around the town and trying to make their home town a better, tidier place to live and enjoy and somewhere to be proud of.

“We are encouraging anyone who wants to help out to get in touch.

“As we come out of lockdown, we want people to visit our area and town and be proud.”

She explained that pre-lockdown ‘a handful’ of people used to try to get out once a month to do a clean up and now they do small, socially distanced, picks instead.

And members have noticed more need than ever for their efforts, with Karen saying: “We looked all clean and tidy in lockdown and now with us moving about again it just looks terrible again.

“I, for one, don’t want to live like this or spoil my trips around the area with all the rubbish.”

The group has an active Facebook page, where they share routes and problem areas.

Posting this week, Marianne Webster said: “Just off the phone to the council. I’ve highlighted again regarding the issues at Cemetery Brae and the lack of bins.

“Also highlighted all the cleaning the group has done over the past few months since I last spoke to them.

“Just wanted to say well done to everyone who is helping to keep our wee toon and countryside cleaner.”