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Concern over fake village speed camera

By Rod Edgar
Annan and Eskdale
Concern over fake village speed camera

A FAKE speed camera erected in an Eaglesfield garden has sparked concern for the safety of motorists.

FAKE CAMERA . . . a fake speed camera erected in an Eaglesfield garden has sparked concerns for motorists’ safety

Drivers entering the village from the south on the B722 have been stunned to discover what appears to be a large yellow police speed camera pointed at traffic.
Motorist Terry Parsons said: “I don’t know if this is someone mucking about or the police are doing something a bit naughty, but there appears to be a traffic enforcement camera set up in Eaglesfield. It’s in someone’s garden, pointing out into the road.”
Mr Parsons says no sign has been erected, but Police Scotland have stated that it is not an official speed camera.
However, Mr Parsons said: “It’s going to cause an accident.”
Mr Parsons makes a daily drive into Eaglesfield from Annan, and notes the camera points onto a bend in the road, at the start of a 30 mph section.
He said: “It’s dangerous, because when drivers are coming round and it’s the first thing in their field of vision, and they’re starting to brake.
“If someone’s following close behind, they’re going to right up into the back of them. It’s an accident waiting to happen.”
Police Scotland state that only mobile speed cameras are employed within Dumfries and Galloway.
Addressing the device created in the Eaglesfield garden, Inspector Neil Hewitson of Police Scotland’s Roads Policing Unit said: “Whilst there is no actual offence in this type of activity and the device has been located within private property, this is not something we would encourage.”
He added: “Speed cameras are sited at specific locations on the road network and have to conform to strict criteria.
“Whilst there are no fixed camera sites in Dumfries and Galloway, motorists travelling across the UK will no doubt have encountered them in other locations.
“The location of fixed cameras is a carefully managed process which should not increase any danger to road users by their positioning.”
The owners of the property in whose garden the fake speed camera is situated have so far proved unavailable for comment.

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