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Conditional go-ahead for Gretna houses

By Lisa Barbour

PLANS for a housing development to be built on the edge of Gretna have been approved – despite objections from the town’s community council.

Members of Dumfries and Galloway Council’s planning applications committee have granted planning permission in principle to Carlyn Limited for a residential development on land north of Old Graitney Road.
Following a heated debate, which heard objections from seven parties as well as Gretna and Rigg Community Council on the grounds of flooding, traffic impact and provision at the school and doctors surgery, the committee agreed to approve the application subject to the developer contributing towards additional educational capacity and water upgrading works and that at least 20 per cent of the homes are affordable housing.
And they also added a requirement that the development does not exceed 45 units as stated in the local development plan and that any application for full planning permission is referred back to the committee for a final decision.
Speaking at the meeting, Annandale East and Eskdale councillor Archie Dryburgh said: “I’m not against this application but I have got some concerns, particularly in relation to the number of properties. I think it’s appropriate for the application to come back here for full planning permission and height restrictions may be suitable for those properties closer to the existing buildings.”
It was also suggested that a caveat restricting the new-builds to one or one-and-a-half storeys was put in place but members agreed this would be determined when full planning permission is submitted.


14th Mar

German student teacher joins Kirkgunzeon Primary

By Fiona Reid | DNG24