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Corrie windfarm ruled out due to noise fears

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By Fiona Reid
Lockerbie and Lochmaben
Corrie windfarm ruled out due to noise fears

NOISE concerns from the Ministry of Defence have forced councillors to refuse a bid for a windfarm at Corrie.

Members of the planning committee yesterday declined permission for nine 190 metre high turbines at Little Hartfell.

It followed an official objection from the MoD, who said the development by EnergieKontor UK Ltd would breach their ‘noise budget’ around the Eskdalemuir Seismological Station.

Explaining the complex set up to councillors, planning official Chris McTeir said: “It’s to do with noise. This is quite complicated

“With previous schemes and with other schemes in close vicinity, the MoD have objected due to conflict with Eskdalemuir Seismological Station.

“It has a safeguarded area around it. It forms part of the country’s obligation around the Nuclear Proliferation Treaty. It is used to monitor underground vibrations that could potentially suggest nuclear testing underground in other countries.

“There’s a very complicated noise budget in place and wind turbines sitting on concrete pads cause a number of vibrations.

“The MoD have maintained a very firm objection to the proposal. The MoD notwithstanding, it does have a level of policy support.”

Committee chairman Jim Dempster added: “It’s third party objections that are the problem, not the installation itself.”

After hearing from Mr McTeir, councillors unanimously agreed to follow his recommendations and refuse the application.

However, Cllr Dempster said the move would allow the company to go away and try to resolve the issue and possibly come back in future with a new proposal.