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Couple celebrate both getting top Scout honours

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By Fiona Reid
Couple celebrate both getting top Scout honours

Lockerbie Scout Group- 9th Dumfriesshire leader Robert Humes received the highest honour in scouting: the Queen’s Scout Award recently.

And last month he was honoured at Winsdor Castle in a special ceremony rubbing shoulders with survival expert Bear Grylls and the Duke of Kent.

And now his wife of nearly a year, Rebecca, has also achieved Queen Scout status.

The 25-year-old primary school teacher said: “It feels amazing to have achieved my Queen Scout Award.

“I feel honoured to have achieved the highest award in scouting as scouting is such a massive part of my life.”

Rebecca became a scout leader after meeting Robert, who first joined the scouting community aged six, and had to play catch up to make up for missing out on awards and badges as an Explorer.

But committed to scouting, Rebecca gave it her all, she took up learning to play the sax for 12 months, completed a canoeing expedition, took up dance for 12 months and much more to gain her award, all while working as a teacher, planning a wedding and being an assistant leader to both Lockerbie Scout and Beaver troops.

Discussing what Scouting means to her, she said: “Scouting means everything to me.Iabsolutely love being a leader and working with amazing people.

The children and young people I get to work with week in week out are amazing and it makes me feel so proud to help them on their scouting journey and watch them achieve and flourish in everything they do.”

She added: “I feel very lucky to scout alongside my husband and share these amazing experiences with him such as camps, international trips and visits, parades, shows, you name it.

“Scouting is a huge part of our lives and I wouldn’t have it any other way.I am so grateful to Robert for introducing me to such an amazing organisation and for all the different experiences I have been lucky enough to be part of.

“I think we could possibly be the youngest married couple to have achieved Queen Scout Awards with such a short space of time between us. Would be interesting to find out.”

Meanwhile, the Lockerbie Scouts are currently fundraising to improve their hub.

And Rebecca will take part in a sky dive to raise funds for scout hall improvements on Saturday.

To sponsor her, donations can be handed into the scout hall on Mondays between 6 pm and 7.30 pm or Fridays between 6 pm and 9.45 pm. Or donate online at:


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