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Crisis grants cash running out

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By Marc McLean, local democracy reporter
Crisis grants cash running out

STRUGGLING residents have applied to Dumfries and Galloway Council for so many crisis grants this year that the fund is likely to dry up three months early.

Skint people living on benefits are finding it so hard to make ends meet in the cost of living crisis that they keep coming back to the local authority for emergency help from its Scottish Welfare Fund.

However, half of the available cash has been dished out in the first five months of this financial year and it is forecast that the money will run out by December.

The matter is due to be discussed at the council’s communities committee next week.

Paula Doherty, council team leader for benefits and welfare, produced a report for the councillors which reads: “Crisis grant awards are limited to three awards per customer in any rolling 12-month period any further awards are only available in exceptional circumstances.

“There is beginning to be an increase in the number of customers making repeated applications for crisis support, citing increased food and fuel costs.

“A number of these customers are reaching or have already reached the three-award limit. Repeated applications increase administration, as time must be spent resolving these ultimately unsuccessful applications.

“Support continues to be provided at the maximum level available and unsuccessful customers are directed to any supports available.”

Community care grants are also administered through the Scottish Welfare Fund, and these are paid out to help people start to live or carry on living a settled life in the community.

The report revealed that, as of August 31, 50 percent of the entire available Scottish Welfare budget, £1,428,471 (£926,208 plus carry forward funding of £502,263), has been spent.

Paula continued: “It is anticipated that application numbers and spend will continue at the current levels, and on this basis, the available budget will be fully spent by the end of December 2022.”

Earlier this year, the council received £2.2 in covid recovery funding from the Scottish Government, which allowed them to make a £350 payment to thousands of vulnerable people who previously received a crisis grant or had been living in temporary homeless accommodation last year.

Just over £500,000 of that cash is unspent because not everyone who was entitled to the cash actually claimed it.

Council officers are now requesting that this money is transferred over to the Scottish Welfare Fund to allow for the continuation of crisis grants until the end of this financial year.

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