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Crowdfunding push for fountain makeover

By Fiona Reid
Dumfries and West
Crowdfunding push for fountain makeover

A CROWDFUNDING campaign is being proposed to restore the landmark fountain in Dumfries High Street.

A meeting has been set to take place involving town centre ambassador Lorraine Wilson and representatives of The Stove Network and The People’s Project – but the proposal has sparked some controversy.
Speaking at a meeting of Loreburn Community Council last week, Matt Baker from The Stove said: “The good news is that we’ve been contacted by the lady who would like to restore the fountain.
“She would like to try a crowdfunding campaign, and she’s already got some support from Mark Jardine (The People’s Project) and DG Life.”
However, committee chairman Robin Wishart voiced his concern.
Mr Wishart said: “It’s a very dangerous thing when you get into the habit of using crowdfunding to take on what is core basic maintenance work of the local authority.
“And quite frankly, maintaining that fountain, I would suggest, is part of town centre maintenance.
“They know it needs a lick of paint every few years, and they should do it.”
Mr Wishart also voiced concern that decision-making on such a project could be taken into private hands, and member Niall Cowan added: “Once we start taking the responsibility away from the council, where does it stop?”
In response, Mr Baker noted that a lot of time was spent complaining about problems with no action.
He explained the proposal to enlist someone from Castle Douglas to strip back the existing layers of paint and to repaint the fountain in the original colour scheme, after research revealed it was first blue, white and gold.
And he said he hoped the fountain could be put into use again.
However, Mr Wishart voiced his preference for the existing colour scheme.


26th Feb

Which tax rise will councillors pick?

By Fiona Reid | DNG24