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D-day for school site homes

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By Fiona Reid
D-day for school site homes

A BID to build 45 homes on the ex-Lockerbie Academy site is being recommended for approval - despite a flurry of complaints from the town.

On Thursday, councillors will be asked to rubber-stamp plans to build the new houses at the old school site on Glasgow Road.

The plot has been empty since 2010 when students and staff moved to the new build school, which overlooks the old land.

Cunninghame Housing Association Limited purchased the grounds in 2018 and, following a consultation period, applied to build the homes which, if given the go-ahead, will be available as social housing.

A report, recommending the development be pushed forward, has been issued to councillors prior to next week’s meeting and is also online to view.

It contains details on objections, which have been lodged by Lockerbie Community Council and by six local residents, along with a small petition.

See this week’s Annandale Herald for the full story.


25th Feb

Bid for more free school meals

By Fiona Reid | DNG24