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Dad on surprise delivery duty

By Fiona Reid
Dad on surprise delivery duty

BABY Luca Crolla is already keeping his parents on their toes after he made a speedy and early entrance into the world, on the bathroom floor.

He was unexpectedly born at home in Lockerbie on Sunday morning, a week before his due date, with dad Martin rolling up his sleeves to help with the delivery.

He said: “I had gone to work as normal to make ice cream and Lois called me about 9.50 am and said she thought she was in labour. I came back and called the hospital.

“Her contractions were pretty sporadic at that point but then ramped up fairly quickly, but were still four minutes apart. She said they were getting more intense.”

Martin called the hospital again and put midwife Rebecca on speakerphone, who recognised Lois was ready to push.

She then proceeded to talk the couple through what to do and Luca arrived at 11.12 am weighing 7lb 6oz.

“It was a matter of minutes, but it was all ok, he was perfect and Lois was so good,” said Martin. “I never expected to be a midwife, I am more used to delivering good quality ice cream, not babies!”

Thankful for the help they got, he added: “The midwife was excellent, she stayed on the phone and talked us through it. She had called an ambulance but they arrived after he was born.

“Thanks to the paramedics and to the community midwife team too.”

Mum and baby went into DGRI for a couple of nights to be checked over but came home on Tuesday to excited big brother Enzo. The two-and-a-half year old had missed all the action as he was at football with his papa on Sunday morning.

However he’s delighted with the new addition and proving very helpful.

Meanwhile, a sign announcing the happy news has been put up at the family ice cream parlour in Lochmaben and locals have been popping in all week to pass on their congratulations.


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By Fiona Reid | DNG24