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Day centre in votes plea for £36k windfall

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By Fiona Reid
Annan and Eskdale
Day centre in votes plea for £36k windfall

A MASSIVE £36,000 windfall could be delivered to a day centre for older people in the Annan area - if people pick up their phones to vote.

Annan and District Day Centre are one of the five regional finalists in The People’s Project, which is a joint funding contest run by The Big Lottery Fund, The National Lottery and ITV.
Day centre manager Emma Irving said: “To win this would enhance opportunities right through and help us deal with the increasing membership.”
She added: “The pressure that it would relieve and the future developments it would bring would be absolutely phenomenal.”
The People’s Project is offering the public a chance to decide how £3 million of Big Lottery funding can make a difference in their local area.
Annan Day Centre has been shortlisted in the Border region along with Westmorland Association of Social and Moral Welfare, Peebles Community Action Network, Time to Change (West Cumbria) Project CIC and The Kendal Windows on Art Trust.
And the three which receive the most public votes will receive grants of up to £50,000.
Emma explains the Annan Day Centre Prevention of Isolation of Older People project ties in with the centre’s main remit.
She said: “It’s to enhance projects and continue things like the Tai Chi and the water exercises that give the members the opportunity to take part in things as a group that they would maybe be isolated from without our service.”
Plans also include acquiring a seven seat minibus and driver, helping to take service users on day trips and to appointments at the hospital.
It follows a successful trial with a vehicle last year.
The top three entries will be chosen by the public, with a closing date of midday on Sunday March 13.
Votes can be cast for free by phoning 0800 1978610, writing in support of Annan Day Centre Prevention of Isolation of Older People to Freepost The People’s Project, or by voting on the website


14th Mar

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