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Day one of new community council

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By Fiona Reid
Lockerbie and Lochmaben
Day one of new community council

LOCKERBIE this week gained a new community council,

The new look group officially came into force at 8 am on Thursday and is made up of seven members, both old and new faces.

They are: Ken and Avril Bailey, Roger Claymore, Lucie Dudgeon, Doreen Jenkins, Ian McLatchie and Simon Poole. They all live in the town.

The by-election was uncontested and didn’t require a public vote.

The first meeting of the new community council will take place in the town hall on Tuesday March 19 at 7 pm and is open to the public.

Local authority ward officer Steven Wylie will chair the meeting until the new office bearers are in place.

Welcoming the development, Annandale North Councillor Gail Macgregor said yesterday: “I am delighted that Lockerbie and District Community Council has been re-established and thank the seven community councillors for putting themselves forward to represent the community. Hopefully over time we will be able to encourage even more to become members.

“It is vitally important Lockerbie has a community council, its members play a crucial role in consulting with our community and contribute to making our town a better place to live.

“The community council facilitates a wide range of activities which promote the well-being of our community and their membership on a number of other groups and trusts in the town has been greatly missed in recent months, I very much look forward to working with them.”


13th Mar

New addition to SOSE board

By Fiona Reid | DNG24