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Dentures price is eye watering, says John

By Zac Hannay
Dentures price is eye watering, says John

A MOUSWALD man could not believe it when a Dumfriesshire dental practice quoted over £700 for a new top set of dentures.

Former mechanic John Corden, 76, moved to the area 16 years ago from Stoke on Trent.

After recently realising his upper set of dentures were in need of a replacement, John approached some dentists.

He said: “I have had them for 15 years. They are pretty well worn out. I thought I had lost them so I went to Lockerbie to see if they could fix me up with some, and they are taking no more patients.

“I was advised to go and try some other dentists, two places in Dumfries. One of them said to me – you’re wasting your time.

“They (the NHS) should do them. I’m retired, I’m living on a pension of £120 a week.

“I went in and I saw the lad behind the counter and he quoted me over £700 to get them made.

“If you look at what it is, it’s absolutely ridiculous. He said because of covid prices have gone up.

“That’s seven weeks pension for me. What am I going to live on if I pay seven weeks pension for them?”

“I don’t drink and I don’t smoke. It should be done for free. I don’t mind paying a bit, but not over £700.

“If I worked all day on your car I wouldn’t charge you £700.”

An NHS Dumfries and Galloway spokesman confirmed dentures are available on the NHS, however no practice in the health board area is currently accepting new patients.

He said: “Dumfries and Galloway is currently experiencing challenges with NHS dental access.

“Currently, none of the practices in our area are accepting new NHS patients.

“Dentures are an item that are available on the NHS. Private costs will vary from practice to practice.”

He added: “The Public Dental Service at Dumfries Dental Centre currently have dental undergraduate students who are able to offer a single course of treatment to patients.

“This treatment is free of charge. The waiting list for this is currently open and accepting new patients.

“Anyone can self-refer to this service. They can call the dental centre on 01387 245530 or call into the centre and complete the paperwork.

“Anyone experiencing pain, swelling or dental trauma can access emergency care.”

The dental helpline can be phoned on 01387 245532 between Monday and Friday from 8 am to 6 pm. For Saturday, Saturday, Sunday and public holidays people should call NHS 24 on 11.

Dumfries and West

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