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Digital studio is a coup for the region

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Digital studio is a coup for the region

A HIGH-TECH studio offering a chance to make everything from intricate jewellery to furniture or sculpture is being created in Dumfries.

CREATIVE PRAISE . . . MAKLab executive director Richard Clifford has praised the creativity in the Dumfries area

Glasgow-based charity MAKLab is expanding into the town as well as Dundee and Wick, offering easy access to advanced digital technology like 3D printers and laser cutters.
The move into Unit 10 of The Loreburne Shopping Centre is a joint initiative with new regional organisation Upland CIC.
Upland director, Clare Hanna, said: “Having a MAKLab in Dumfries is a huge leap forward, giving artists, makers, designers and young people the chance to use the latest disruptive technologies to create amazing artworks and products.
“Up to now this kind of centre, and this type of equipment, has often only been available in major cities.
“It’s a real coup to bring all this to a rural area like Dumfries and Galloway — it has the power to transform what people in the region can design and make.”
The MAKLab will also be a centre for textile work, with tuition from successful costume designer Iona Barker, originally from Castle Douglas.
Having worked on costumes for artists including Beyonce, Prince, Katy Perry and Lady Gaga, the former head of wardrobe at Glasgow’s SECC said: “I really enjoy teaching and am very much looking forward to helping people in Dumfries and Galloway learn to use our digital technology.”
The Dumfries initiative is supported by a range of funders, with a £25,200 grant from the Scottish Government scheme CashBack for Creativity.
Upland’s professional and talent development manager Amy Marletta said: “The Cashback funding, along with support from the Holywood Trust and the Big Lottery,will let us run free workshops for schools and young people.”

The Dumfries MAKLab is opening on a pilot basis for three days a week.
Executive director Richard Clifford said: “When Upland invited us to look at Dumfries
we were really impressed by the creativity down here and what could be achieved if people had access to the equipment and expertise we can offer.”
He added: “We want this to be a place which everyone of any age or level of expertise can use, whether they are trying to pick up new skills, experimenting with ideas and materials, or producing art, craft or commercial products.”


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