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DIY litter clean-up plan prompts backlash

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By Abbey Morton
DIY litter clean-up plan prompts backlash

COUNCIL plans to use community volunteers to empty litter bins in a bid to save cash have been slammed.

Members of Moffat Community Council have expressed incredulity over the proposal.
Stalwart Jean Purves said: “Dumfries and Galloway Council sent out a questionnaire, I think it would have gone to all community councils, asking what volunteers would like to do, such as empty litter bins.
“They also asked if groups would enter into a service level agreement with the council — I don’t know what that is.
“They asked for ideas voluntary groups might have to help because they have this £400k reduction in the budget.
“What about the health and safety for these people? Or the insurance?”
Moffat Community Council have declined to fill in the survey and criticised the two-day time slot they were given to consider the matter.
Mrs Purves said: “Maybe, again, it is a lack of understanding of how community councils operate.
“We’re not prepared to fill out a questionnaire like that without a proper discussion with the officials about what would happen.”
She added: “There should be a meeting to answer all the questions people have, face-to face with council officials.”
The formality of the survey was also questioned, with Mrs Purves saying: “It is something that has been cobbled together, it is as though they’ve said ‘here’s the budget, what are we going to do? Lets throw it out there and see what communities will do.'”
Earlier this year Dumfries and Galloway Council slashed their budget for bedding plants by 50 per cent, and to bridge the gap Moffat Civic Pride have taken on planting some areas and have been carrying out regular litter picks.
No-one at Dumfries and Galloway Council was available for comment.


28th Feb

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