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Donation for church work

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By Fiona Reid
Lockerbie and Lochmaben
Donation for church work

CONSERVATION work and repairs at Tundergarth Church have been given a helping hand.

For Tundergarth Kirks Trust has been awarded £5500 in the latest round of Muirhall Energy’s Community Fund.

Trust chair Lori Carnochan said it’s much needed and added: “We are continuously trying to fundraise to ensure our beloved 1900 church can remain open not only for worship, but as an event space for the local community. “We’re currently undergoing a major repair project, but still need to find around £40,000 to complete phase one of the works. This would allow us to continue replacing lead work on the roof, repoint internally and address roof repairs.

“We have been incredibly lucky to receive £20,000 from Foundation Scotland, £20,000 from the Pan Am103 Lockerbie Legacy Foundation, which helped to kick-start our repair work programme. We were also most grateful to Muirhall Energy for awarding us £5500 which allowed us to replace a large piece of gothic sandstone. The stone was cracked and at risk of collapsing from a great height. The local stonemasons have almost completed the stone, ready to put back in situ.

“We hugely appreciate the generous support from Muirhall in helping to preserve our iconic church and some of its most beautiful features.”

Lesley McNeil from Muirhall Energy, said they’re delighted to be able to help and she encouraged other local organisations and projects to apply to the next funding panel which will be held later this month.

Email [email protected] for full details of the application process.

Muirhall Energy were the developers behind the Crossdykes Wind Farm and have submitted proposals to the Scottish Government for two new developments, the Hopsrig and Loganhead windfarms, situated between Lockerbie and Langholm.

Annan and Eskdale, Lockerbie and Lochmaben, Moffat

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