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Donations appeal for women’s support charity

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By Fiona Reid
Donations appeal for women’s support charity

AN Easter collection is taking place for Women’s Aid in Dumfries and donations are needed.

The Friend’s of Women’s Aid group is organising the initiative to help the women and children who are supported by the charity.

Marita Jamieson-Barr is co-ordinating the appeal and said: “When a women/family arrive seeking safety in Dumfries, they have fled abuse and they often leave all their belongings behind.

“Women’s Aid would like to be able to provide items to support women and families. Everyone deserves to feel safe, loved and have homely comforts.”

Drop off points have been set up at Barr’s Garden Centres – Moffat; Whitesyke Garden Centre in Longtown; Dalbeattie Garden Centre; Heathhall Garden Centre; and Barr’s on the back road.

New items can be left there every day between 10 am and 4 pm, until April 10.

The list of requirements includes toiletries such as shower gel, baby wipes, tampons, shampoo and soap; beverages from coffee and tea, to juice hot chocolate and UHT milk; bedroom comforts like duvets, pillows, lamps and hair dryers; homely features like candles, cushions, blankets and pyjamas.

They also need food, like Easter eggs, biscuits, noodles, cereal bars and canned goods, as well as craft items, stationery and paper and pens for kids.

Marita added: “Everyone should have the right to comfort and essentials, especially when leaving abuse.

“Huge thanks to Dumfries Womens’ Aid for all the amazing support they provide women/families in Dumfries and Galloway.

“If you are able to, please donate, every donation makes such a huge difference for women/families arriving seeking refuge and starting again.”

Front, Moffat, News

20th Mar

Missed appointments total revealed

By Fiona Reid | DNG24