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Drinking culture needs to change, says charity boss

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By Fiona Reid
Drinking culture needs to change, says charity boss

ADULTS living in Dumfries and Galloway are being urged to change their relationship with alcohol.

The message from support service WithYou, which has bases in Dumfries and Stranraer, comes after it emerged there were 32 drinking-related deaths locally in 2023.

They are now advising people to make changes to help themselves and their loved ones – and they’ve shared a set of tips, see box.

Service manager Chris Walker believes that Scotland’s ‘drinking culture’ needs to change in order to save more lives.

He said this week: “People who refuse a drink – whether it’s because they’re trying to stop, cut down, or they just don’t fancy it – are often encouraged to join in.

“Please take time to think about how difficult that might be for someone who is struggling with their drinking. Our social lives don’t need to revolve around alcohol and people should feel comfortable saying no.”

On the latest fatality figures, he said: “While I am pleased to see the number of alcohol-specific deaths reduced, 32 deaths are still too many and my thoughts are with all those who have lost a loved one.

“To anyone who is worried about their alcohol use, or that of a loved one, please do not hesitate to get in touch. We are WithYou.”

WithYou works across the region and offers free and confidential support, without judgement, to adults facing challenges with alcohol or drugs.

n To contact them call 0800 035 0793, or access their free, confidential webchat at


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