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Drop in regional rape reports

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Drop in regional rape reports

REPORTS of rape and attempted rape have decreased year on year in the region.

Police Scotland yesterday released its latest performance report, for quarter four of 2021-22, outlining national and local information about incidents and reports of crime.

To the final quarter of the year, there were 11 fewer incidents of rape recorded in Dumfries and Galloway, down to 64 from 75.

And there was also a reduction, by 55 per cent, in the number of assaults with intent to rape – nine, down to four.

Figures also show a reduction in the number of domestic abuse incidents in the past year – from 1529 down to 1406, however there was an increase in attempted murder, from one up to seven. There was also one case of murder in 2021-22 compared to none the previous year.

Dumfries and Galloway divisional commander, chief superintendent Carol McGuire, yesterday said: “I welcome a reduction in the number of serious sexual offences within our division, as well as a drop in the number of domestic abuse incidents which have been reported to us.

“While I hope both of these trends are attributable to an overall reduction in offending, I understand victims of this kind of crime don’t always come forward straight away because they find it hard to report to us.

“I want to assure victims of any kind of crime that we will treat any report they make to us seriously and sensitively, will fully investigate the circumstances, and take the necessary legal action when required.

“The coronavirus pandemic had a significant impact on our lives, and that included crime patterns in Scotland.”

She also commented that the types of offending behaviour reduced dramatically throughout the various restrictions.

Chf Supt added: “Nationally, as well as locally in the south-west, violent crime and crime of dishonesty, including fraud, are returning to pre-pandemic levels, but these issues are being addressed through our policing priorities.”

The 2021-22 Q4 Performance Report will be presented at the Scottish Police Authority Policing Performance Committee on Tuesday.


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