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Drug deaths triple

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By Donald Turvill
Drug deaths triple

DEATHS from drug use have more than tripled in the last five years in Dumfries and Galloway.

A new report from National Records of Scotland on drug-related deaths reveals that 35 deaths in this region were drug related last year, representing more than a threefold increase since 2015.

Furthermore, the average number of annual drug deaths rose by 162 per cent between 2005/09 and 2015/19.

Last year, 31 deaths were determined as accidental, three were a result of drug abuse and one was undetermined.

Males made up 26 of the deaths – a 225 per cent increase over the last ten years – whilst females, of which none died from drug-related deaths in the region in 2009, accounted for the remaining nine.

Death as a result of narcotic use was most prevalent among 35-44 year-olds in the region.

In addition, Dumfries and Galloway experienced the joint-second most drug-related deaths in the 25-34 age group, with 0.38 per 1000 people.

The majority of these, 27, were caused by opiates including heroin, morphine, methadone and codine, whilst nine occurred as a result of cocaine use, two were ecstasy-related and one was caused by amphetamines. It is also noted that more than one drug may have been reported per death.

Of Scotland’s 14 health boards, NHS Dumfries and Galloway overall had the joint-eighth highest rate, with 0.14 drug-related deaths per 1000 people in the region.

Commenting, MSP for South Scotland Colin Smyth said: “Although annual figures fluctuate, this report shows the trend that tragically the average number of drug related deaths in Dumfries and Galloway is increasing – rising by over 150 per cent in the past decade and unless we act quickly this trend will continue.

“Behind these figures are devastated mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, sons and daughters who have lost a loved one, every single drug death is a tragedy.”


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