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Dumfries is affair capital of region

By Fiona Reid
Annan and Eskdale
Dumfries is affair capital of region

OVER 500 people in Dumfries are cheating on their partner, it was claimed this week.

And this high figure makes the town the affair capital of the region.
The information emerged in the Infidelity Index 2016, put together by – a dating website for married people.
They say hundreds of people in the region are in an adulterous affair, including 520 people in Dumfries; 123 in Lockerbie; 108 in Annan; 180 in Stranraer; and 32 in Langholm.
Website spokesman Christian Grant said: “Record numbers of married couples in Dumfries and Galloway are living together unhappily because they simply cannot afford to divorce.
“Spiralling house prices and living costs have made it financially impossible for couples to set up two homes following a split, so they struggle on while seeking excitement elsewhere.”
Scotland’s cheating capital was Cumbernauld, according to the data.

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Annan and Eskdale

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By Fiona Reid | DNG24