AN AUSTRALIAN woman from Dumfries and Galloway has appeared on an episode of Beat the Chasers.
Leah Chynoweth-Tidy is an Australian-born singer-songwriter that moved to Dumfries and Galloway at the end of 2020, staying in Glenluce.
Leah is the forefront of the ‘Kissing the Flint’ project, a project of her own creation to cut through the fakery of the modern world.

Leah has been performing since 2011 and writing songs since 2015, but has already amassed 80 songs and has collaborated with many acclaimed Australian artists such as Tania Doko, Katie Noonan and Hannah Macklin, as well as Huey Dowling here in Dumfries.
She applied to the show during January of this year with a 30 second video to sell herself to the BTC team. After that, she received a phone call and was given a lightning round of questions by the casting rep before being invited to the real interview over zoom with various chasers.
Despite her best efforts to beat the titular chasers, and even after raising £3,000in the cash building round and suffering through an embarrassingly-worded question, Leah was sent home empty handed.
She said: “One thing they do tell you from the start is that if you’re in it just for the money, BTC is the wrong quiz show to apply for and you won’t have the best experience all round.
“Yes there is cash on offer – big cash too if you can hold your nerve and the questions fall your way – but the experience is the main prize.

“Not many people get to do what we have and it’s something I’ll never forget, win or no win. If I had the opportunity to do it again, I would. 110%!
“After doing something like this once, I don’t think I’d ever be that nervous again. Once you successfully audition for shows and go well on camera for TV, you also stay in their database for other shows – so you never know where I might show up in the future!”