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Eight housebreakings ‘connected’

By Fiona Reid
Eight housebreakings 'connected'

A SPATE of eight housebreakings over the weekend are being investigated by police.

Properties in Kirkcudbright, Ruthwell, Castle Douglas, Dumfries and Thornhill were all targeted between last Friday and Sunday.
In Kirkcudbright, a watch, perfume cash and other jewellery appear to have been taken from houses in Dunbar Avenue, Boreland Road and two on the outskirts of the town.
A property in Dunmuir Road, Castle Douglas was broken into sometime overnight Saturday/Sunday with money and jewellery taken.
Cash and jewellery were also the target at a home in Makbrar Road, Dumfries, which was entered sometime between Friday and Monday.
An attempt was made to break into a house in Queensberry Beeches, Thornhill overnight Friday/Saturday. Entry was gained to the premises, however nothing was stolen.
And a house at Midlocharwoods, Ruthwell suffered an attempted break-in overnight Saturday/Sunday. Although no entry was gained, damage was caused in the attempt.
Police are investigating two sightings of a group of three men acting suspiciously. They were spotted in the Queensberry Beeches area of Thornhill at around 1 am on Saturday morning and again at 8.40 pm that night in Dunmuir Road, Castle Douglas.
The first was white, aged 18-23, five foot nine tall, slim to medium build and had dark hair. He was wearing light coloured jeans and a blue waist length ‘Puffa’ style jacket; the second was also white and the same age with dark hair and the same build. He was wearing a dark puffy jacket and jeans; and the third was white, five foot ten with light coloured hair and a square face. He was wearing a green coloured waist length jacket and jeans.
Detective Inspector Dean Little appealed for information to identify them and said: “A worrying factor in this recent spate of crimes is that a number of the houses which are attacked had occupants in them sleeping at the time, as opposed to some which were vacant.
“Clearly we are following the line that these crimes are connected given the striking similarities of the crimes which were committed over a very short timescale and are currently following a number of positive lines of enquiry.”


14th Mar

Stark cyber crime warning

By Fiona Reid | DNG24