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Exam results countdown is on

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By Christie Breen
Exam results countdown is on

SUPPORT and information has been made available for the region’s pupils ahead of receiving their exam results on Tuesday

Around 145,000 learners across the country will receive the result of their SQA Nationals, Highers, Advanced Highers, National Progression Awards, Skills for Work Awards, National Certificates and Awards on Tuesday 6 August.

All learners will receive a copy of their Scottish Qualifications Certificate delivered to their home address by first-class post, while everyone who signed up for and activated a MySQA account will also receive their results by text and/or email the same morning.

On Results Day, SQA will open its candidate advice line at 8 am to answer learners’ questions about their certificates. Pupils can also speak to dedicated careers advisors on the Skills Development Scotland Helpline if they have any questions about their next steps.

The SQA’s free appeals service opens at 9 am on Tuesday and candidates can submit an appeal directly via the SQA website, or ask their school, college, or training provider to submit one on their behalf.

Priority appeals are also available for learners who have a conditional offer for a college or university place or for a training or employment offer. Priority appeals must be submitted to SQA by August 13, or by Wednesday 21 August if the learner’s school, college or training provider submits the appeal for them. All other appeals must be submitted by August 27.

Kelly Milford, liaison manager for Dumfries and Galloway at SQA, explains: “Candidates with concerns about their National 5, Higher, or Advanced Higher grades can appeal their grade for free. I would encourage anyone considering an appeal to speak to their teacher or lecturer and discuss their options with them first.

“Candidates should also look out for the ‘Your Results’ guide which will be included alongside their Scottish Qualifications Certificate. It can also be viewed now online at In it there is useful information about how their exams and coursework have been marked, how their grades have been decided, deadlines for appeals, and what to do if they have any questions about their results.”

* The SQA’s candidate advice line will be available on Results Day from 8 am to 6 pm, then Wednesday 7 August to Friday 9 August from 8.30 am to 5 pm, on 0345 279 1000

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