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Exams could be in doubt again

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By Marc Mclean, Local Democracy Reporter
Exams could be in doubt again

EXAMS being scrapped for the third year running cannot be ruled out, say Dumfries and Galloway education bosses.

Jim Brown, the council’s chief education officer, was last week asked if he believed school exams would go ahead amid the spread of Omicron and potential for more restrictions.

Speaking at the council’s education committee last Thursday, Mr Brown said that he had full confidence in awards being made based on teachers’ judgements just like before if necessary.

He said: “We will operate within safe parameters and, if we need to do so, we will do another excellent job of certificating using an alternative model, which we’ve done now twice with significant success.”

Exams were cancelled in 2020 and 2021 due to covid and pupils were instead awarded grades based on normal in-year assessment and other evidence gathered by teachers.

National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher exams are scheduled to be held in spring 2022 – depending on public health advice.

It was previously confirmed that course content would be reduced to take account of the disruption.

At last week’s education committee, Councillor Pauline Drysdale asked about next year’s exams, saying: “I know it’s like looking into a crystal ball and the last statement was made on August 18 by the Scottish Government, and it will depend on safety with regards to Omicron.

“But could we have your assurance that you will push at the top level for exams to go ahead so that we can assure our community councils and PTAs?”

Mr Brown replied: “The alternative certification models we put in place were extremely strong and it gave me the confidence when I spoke with all the headteachers that the results they put forward were consistent with the evidence they had for those young people.

“You’re absolutely right, it is crystal ball stuff. What I can do is report back to you when we know more.

“I think we’ll all hear the same information in terms of what works best – and what works best is working within the constraints that Omicron sets us.”


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