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Extra addition to memorial

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By Fiona Reid
Extra addition to memorial

A SOLDIER’S name has been added to the Stranraer war memorial, 104 years after his death.

John Douglas Kilpatrick was born in Dalrymple Street in the 1890s and was a teacher by profession until he was called up for WWI.

He was discharged from his regiment at the end of 1918, and died of influenza/pneumonia in February 1919, likely caught in the barracks or trenches when Spanish Flu was ongoing.

Stranraer and The Rhins Councillor Ben Dashper, above, was contacted by a constituent keen to ensure Mr Kilpatrick was not forgotten.

And between them they ensured his name was inscribed on the memorial in time for Remembrance Day.

Cllr Dashper said: “John was sadly missed from all known records and war memorials until recently.

“The constituent who contacted me has got John’s name added to the Scottish National War Memorial in Edinburgh, and now I’m pleased to confirm that I have secured John’s name to be added here in his home toon to the Stranraer war memorial outside the sheriff court.

“I hope he will now be remembered, with them all.”

Annan and Eskdale, News

15th Mar

Two year traffic light bill kept secret

By Fiona Reid | DNG24

Two year traffic light bill kept secret

DUMFRIES and Galloway Council have refused to reveal the cost of temporary traffic lights which have been in place near Rigg for more than two years.

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