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Farmer Laura’s capital quest for good cause

By Fiona Reid
Farmer Laura’s capital quest for good cause

A FARMER plans to keep on running . . . for 26 miles that is, as she takes part in the London Marathon in April

Laura Barwick, 26, of Trail- at Farm, Lochmaben, is taking part in the iconic event in aid of the MS Society.

Hoping to raise £2000 for the charity, she said: “I chose to support the MS Society because I feel they are such a worthwhile charity that deserves some limelight.

“I have a few friends affected by the disease of varying degrees and I hope in this mod- ern era funds can be raised to help cure this disease or at least give those affected a better outlook.”

Laura, who says she’s not a natural born runner, started training in 2014.

She said: “I absolutely hated running at school but back in 2014 my friend introduced me to Parkrun.

“I ran on and off never really committing fully to it and generally just being a bit lazy, then suddenly some- thing clicked in late 2015 and I started to enjoy running and improving with every run.

“The next year saw me run my first proper event and I trained for a 10K and I just grew in con dence, complet- ing numerous Parkruns from Edinburgh to Carlisle to London and the newly introduced Dumfries Parkrun.

“In 2017, I completed my rst half marathon, training and completing the Edin- burgh Marathon Festival Half Marathon.”

She added: “This year will be the year of the marathon for me. If someone had said to me at the start of my journey back in 2014 that I would be running the London Mara- thon in less than 12 weeks time I would of laughed in their face — yet here we are.”

Laura will take part in the London Marathon on April 22 and to help boost her funds has arranged an afternoon tea at Amis eld Village Hall next Sunday from 2 pm to 4 pm.

n To sponsor Laura visit: https://www.justgiving. com/fundraising/laura- barwickvlm18

n Are you taking part in the London Marathon? Email Amanda Kennedy at ajk@ to share your story.

Burgh group meeting

Burgh group meeting

LOCHMABEN and District Community Council will hold their next meeting next week.

Dumfries and West, Front, News

25th Feb

Chaos in St John’s Town of Dalry

By Fiona Reid | DNG24

Voucher scheme feedback noted

Voucher scheme feedback noted

QUESTIONS about how Lochmaben’s voucher scheme has been recorded have been asked.