The large beast had been ‘hogging’ space at the Haggs since it was first spotted on Tuesday by villagers, many of whom reportedly ‘legged it’ out of fright and confusion.
And yesterday police were called to assist.
On the scene were PCs David Noble and Shan- non Easson.
Speaking yesterday, PC Noble said: “We attended a call in relation to a pig that had been spotted in the Ecclefechan area.
“The pig had made a bid for freedom from a farmer earlier in the week and its where abouts were unknown, until today.”
He added: “Due to the proximity of the motor- way, police kept an eye on the animal until the owner could attend and uplift it to ensure there was no risk to the public as the animal could have been frightened by pass- ing traf c.”
The pig, whose name and gender were unknown to police, has now been safely returned home.