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Felling plan for ‘unsafe’ trees

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By Fiona Reid
Lockerbie and Lochmaben
Felling plan for ‘unsafe’ trees

DUMFRIES and Galloway Council have revealed plans to cut down 212 ‘unsafe’ trees in Lockerbie.

There are safety concerns around the plantation in Corrie Road.

And, following a tree survey, experts are recommending the whole area is felled and cleared.

It is owned by the Lockerbie Common Good Fund so the final decision will rest with members when they meet on February 6.

The council only identified the woodland as a common good asset in 2020 and since then have spent £4500 on a tree survey and in 2021 they removed some of the damaged and diseased ones which it was felt presented an immediate risk

Community assets manager Nicola Simpson said: “Since then a further £1500 has been spent in carrying out works to trees which were damaged/diseased or which had fallen down in high winds/storms.

“In 2023 a further assessment was carried out and it has been recommended to clear fell the area as there are so many trees which are unstable and present a danger to pedestrians using the area.”

A tree surgeon has been consulted and is prepared to fell the timber on site and then sell this to offset the costs of the works.

The work is anticipated to cost approximately £20,000. There would be no charge to the council and any surplus funds which remain would be transferred to Lockerbie Common Good Committee to finance their activities in the town.

Ms Simpson added: “There would be an opportunity in the future for the Common Good Committee to fund some replanting in this area should they wish, alternatively other uses for the ground could be explored with the community.”

In a report for the February meeting, she pointed out that there has already been expenditure to date and if the trees are not managed properly there will be a continual requirement to carry out remedial works.

And she said: “The council has a duty of care to the public to ensure that they are safe when passing through the Corrie Road Wood. At the present time there is a danger from unstable trees.”

Annan and Eskdale, Lockerbie and Lochmaben, Moffat

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