Their next meeting, after these events, was attended by Dumfries and Galloway Council officials, elected members and the police.
It had a single item agenda – securing the school campus. Now, after being continually brought up for a number of years, security concerns at the education establishment will finally be addressed when a fence is constructed around the perimeter.
Parent council chair Vicky Keir this week said: “We decided our next meeting would be a single item agenda to discuss the recent incidents and what we could try and do.
“That first meeting was very productive. We saw where the boundaries were and what the issues were.
“We talked about where we would like the fence to go and also have a site visit.”
Vicky added: “They (the council) have said it should be a relatively quick process which is really good.
“It absolutely does need addressed. We have talked about this for many many years.
“There are other ways to access areas, you do not need to come through the school grounds.”
Visiting the site made it absolutely clear that the erection of a fence was the correct course of action for members.
Vicky said: “I was dumbfounded on that visit. People had literally driven through the academy and down the side as far as they could go to get to Hecklegirth (to pick up children after school). I couldn’t believe what I was seeing.
“Somebody also came into the swimming pool car park and went straight into the field with their dog and were throwing the ball for it during the school day.”
Public engagement sessions will allow the community to view the plans, while it is hoped the gates will remain unlocked after school hours to allow for recreational activity.
Vicky said: “The best way to bring the town on board is to do something like that and let the town come and see.
“People were making positive comments online (in reaction to last week’s news) and saying it’s about time.”