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Final warning for postie bite dog

By Newsdesk
Dumfries and West
Final warning for postie bite dog

A STAFFORDSHIRE Bull Terrier which bit a postman who was delivering mail has been given a reprieve.

But the Sheriff has warned its owner that a second bite will mean the dog’s destruction.
In court on Wednesday, Roslyn Condie, of Forrest View, Mossdale, near Castle Douglas, admitted being the owner of a dog which was dangerously out of control last September.
The incident happened when the postman was delivering to an address in Mossdale when the dog – named Nipper – ran towards him and bit him on the leg leaving a puncture wound.
Local residents gave him first aid and he later had medical treatment.
But fiscal depute Jennifer McGill said there was concern in the hamlet over the dog which had on occasion escaped from the garden of its home.
A solicitor for Mrs Condie said she had had the dog since it was a puppy and was very affectionate.
She now kept it muzzled when taken out and the fences had been made escape proof.
Sheriff Brian Mohan handed out the warning that a second bite would bring destruction and deferred sentence on Condit for six months stressing that she should keep the dog under control with appropriate measures.

Lockerbie and Lochmaben

27th Feb

Burgh group meeting

By Fiona Reid | DNG24

Burgh group meeting

LOCHMABEN and District Community Council will hold their next meeting next week.

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Borders Railway extension feasibility study welcomed

Borders Railway extension feasibility study welcomed

FUNDING has been committed to allow a feasibility study into extending the Borders Railway - which could end up benefitting Langholm.