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First Responders in SOS

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By Fiona Reid
First Responders in SOS

A TEAM of life savers that are called out 120 times a year could be forced to disband.

Moffat First Responders are on the brink of closure just six years after setting up due to dwindling volunteer numbers.

The team assist the ambulance service by attending medical emergencies like cardiac arrests, heart attacks and strokes in the Moffat and Beattock area and waiting with patients until the arrival of an ambulance.

They attend on average 120 callouts a year, but their membership has dwindled to 14 and the service faces the axe if no new volunteers come forward.

Hoping to sign up 15 to 20 new volunteers, member Christine Stewart this week said: “Our membership has steadily decreased recently and we are desperate to boost numbers. “Moffat doesn’t have its own ambulance station and its important that people with training who are able to help can be on the scene as quickly as possible.

“This is such a vital service for Moffat but it’s very possible we will lose it if people don’t come forward.”

She added: “Not only is this such a vital service, but it’s also very appreciated. People in the town are very grateful for what we do and it does make a difference.

“I’d encourage anyone who wants to help make a difference to come along to our meeting on Wednesday and find out more.

“You might think it’s not for you but full training is given and it’s a wonderful way to look after our community.”

Christine explained that volunteers receive full training from the Scottish Ambulance Service and she urged anyone interested in joining to go along to an information evening next Wednesday night from 6 pm at the town hall.

Or, for more information call Tony on 07802437756.


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