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Fishing on River Nith continues to decline

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By Marc McLean, local democracy reporter
Dumfries and West
Fishing on River Nith continues to decline

ANGLING activity on the River Nith is continuing to decline at a worrying level, new figures have shown.

And Dumfries and Galloway Council chiefs are now recommending a freeze on fishing permit prices for locals for the second year running.

A total of 93 fishing tickets were sold last year, generating an income of £7063 for the local authority.

This is down nearly 25 percent on 121 permits being sold the previous year.

Ten years earlier, the income to the council was more than double at £16,432.

February is this time of year that Dumfries and Galloway councillors consider the level of fishing in the area and the price of permits for the year ahead.

Last year, elected members decided to freeze the fee for local residents to try and prevent a further decline in angling activity.

A report on the matter, due to be tabled at Dumfries Common Good Fund Sub Committee next week, states: “The need to balance the ticket cost to offset expenditure whilst ensuring costs do not become a barrier is an important consideration.

“The mandatory catch and release policy has undoubtedly continued to reduce the attractiveness to some anglers, as has the financial impact of the pandemic/cost of living on individuals financial circumstances and ability to fish.”

There are now two options on the table for councillors: freeze the cost once again or implement an increase in ticket prices.

Last year, councillors agreed that Nithsdale residents fishing prices remained the same for all season tickets: £166.50 for adults; £8 for juniors; and £83 for easy access (those aged over 65/students/disabled people/armed forces personnel). Daily tickets were £37.50 for adults, free for juniors, and free for easy access (maximum one per week).

However, season visitor ticket fees were increased to £267 per adult and £8.50 for juniors.

The fishing season opens on February 25. The salmon season ends on November 30, 2025.


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