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Forests are ‘highly dangerous’ after storm

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By Fiona Reid
Forests are 'highly dangerous' after storm

‘EXTREME caution’ should be taken in the region’s forests.

That’s the message from Forestry and Land Scotland (FLS) following the storms.

They have emphasised the dangers of the unknown when entering forests, calling the environment “highly dangerous,” with a possibility of unstable trees.

Work is still ongoing to determine the full extent of the damage locally.

Director of land management and regions Graeme Prest said: “Our forests in west, central and particularly south Scotland have been affected, mostly with small groups of trees and individual trees having been blown over.

“The affected forests cover a wide area and it will take some time to survey the full extent of the damage and to then assess how long the clean-up will take. We will prioritise the work – initially road access to properties in the forest and then the wider forest.

“We would urge members of the public to help us ensure that they stay safe by following all site signage and, before venturing out, always checking our website for the latest advice and information about their local forests.”

Storm damage is not always easily identifiable. Fallen trees and debris blocking paths might look stable but can still be extremely hazardous if attempts are made to cross over or duck under them.

Some trees might also have been uprooted but not hit the ground if they are caught up in standing trees surrounding them.

These ‘hanging’ trees can be extremely unstable and can come down without any warning.

Front, Lockerbie and Lochmaben

07th Mar

Nine weekends of no trains

By Fiona Reid | DNG24