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Forgotten town!

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By Fiona Reid
Forgotten town!

IS LOCKERBIE the town that Dumfries and Galloway Council forgot?

That’s how Lockerbie Community Council are said to feel.

From peeling paint, empty playparks and dirty sheep to the town’s unfinished High Street, community councillors say they are sick of the local authority’s ‘lack of action.’

Speaking at this week’s meeting, member Ian McLatchie said: “Lockerbie is the town that time forgot.
“We’ve got parks without slides, sheep statues that cost thousands of pounds left in a disgusting state, we’re put on an endless waiting list to get railings painted.

“Could Lockerbie be any lower on the council’s list of priorities? They’re just not interested.”

He added: “People know we’re on the community council and they’re asking all the time, ‘I thought
you said this was getting done, why has nothing happened?’ It’s embarrassing.”

He added: “The simplest of tasks take months or years to be seen to. If the council were a business then they wouldn’t even get off the ground, not the way they manage things. It’s so frustrating.”
Agreeing, vice chairman Ronald Ritchie called the situation disheartening but secretary Doreen Jenkins urged the committee to be more positive.

At the meeting, elected councillors Stephen Thompson and Adam Wilson were quick to defend the region’s council.

Stating that promises such as a new slide for Rosebank Play Park had not been broken, Councillor Wilson
said: “A new slide has been promised before the end of the financial year. Lockerbie
hasn’t been forgotten.

“There are a lot of hard working staff at Dumfries and Galloway Council.”

And the Council have hit back, stating the Lockerbie to do list is being addressed.

A spokeswoman said: “The sheep were cleaned and re-waxed in November last year following a request from community council.

“The community council have been advised previously that the McJerrow Park Railings would be painted by Community Payback once the grass cutting for the season is finished. They areworking on last cuts just now so this should happen shortly.”

And the council say that a new slide is imminent, quotes for equipment have been collected and soon a primary visit to let children vote on the equipment will take place.

Sharks break losing streak

Sharks break losing streak

THE Solway Sharks finally ended their eight game losing streak last Saturday with a victory against the Telford Tigers at Dumfries Ice Bowl.