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Foster care crisis continues

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By Marc McLean, local democracy reporter
Foster care crisis continues

A CRISIS in foster care is continuing in Dumfries and Galloway — despite desperate attempts to improve the situation.

It was hoped that by introducing increased fees for foster carers in this region, more people would sign up.

This would have removed the need for children living in external placements outwith the area, which cost more than £20,000 each per year.

However, council chiefs have confirmed that there has been an increased care demand in recent months — which has resulted in a budget overspend of around £415,000.

The foster care issue and the heavy financial strain on the council is due to be discussed at two committees next week: social work and finance.

A report due to be tabled at next Tuesday’s finance committee reads: “Previous monitoring reports to this committee have highlighted potential pressures within social work associated with the continuation of external fostering placements and indicated that this had been anticipated to be fully mitigated in the year through reductions in the number of agency placements requiring to be supported during the year.

“However, there has been a recent increase in both the demand and cost of children’s residential placements resulting in this mitigation no longer being available.

“This change has resulted in the current monitoring position for social work reflecting a potential overspend of £415,000, which is primarily associated with the utilisation of external fostering placements.

“It had been anticipated that the service would be able to reduce the number of external fostering placements following the implementation of the new fostering fee and the recruitment of additional foster carers.

“However, this has taken longer than anticipated due to the need to divert resources to meet other demands, including the Ukrainian guests.”

Finance chiefs highlighted that there is a risk that money may have to be taken from the social work support fund at the end of the financial year to address any outstanding financial pressures.

The matter will also be discussed at the social work committee two days later. Councillors will be presented with an updated report which confirms that in November 2022 there were 64 fostering households caring for 83 young people. It is expected that the number of households will increase to 68 soon.

Meanwhile, 20 children are living with external/agency fostering providers due to a lack of capacity in Dumfries and Galloway.


10th Mar

Power struggle at the council

By Marc McLean, local democracy reporter | DNG24