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Foundation funds STEM bursary

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By Fiona Reid
Foundation funds STEM bursary

A RENEWABLE energy company is funding a bursary to support young people from the region into engineering.

The Drax Group have set up The Drax Foundation, which will provide £15,000 of funding toward EngineeringUK’s equity diversity and inclusion (EDI) bursary. Through match-funding the donation will be worth £30,000.

It aims to support schools, with high proportions of young people from groups underrepresented in engineering, to overcome the barriers limiting pupil’s participation in STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths) activities with the ultimate goal of increasing the diversity of young people choosing a future in engineering.

The new funding for the bursary will be directed toward schools in regions where Drax operates in the UK, including Dumfries and Galloway. Schools can apply for the funding through the EngineeringUK website.

Shona King, from Drax Group, said: “The Drax Foundation is committed to giving back to its communities, it’s important to us to help children develop the skills, particularly in STEM, that can help solve challenges like climate change and develop and deploy new technologies like carbon removals.”

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