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Fountain restoration stalled

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By Marc Mclean, Local Democracy Reporter
Dumfries and West
Fountain restoration stalled

THE restoration of the Dumfries town centre fountain stalled this week after councillors were unhappy with plans for an accompanying public artwork.

Council officials had recommended that the £400,000 project be rubber-stamped, approving both listed building consent for the refurbishment of the fountain and a new artwork to be created alongside it.

And at Wednesday’s planning committee meeting, it was agreed to approve the fountain restoration – but the artwork designs were thrown out after being branded “inappropriate” for the town centre conservation area.

The controversial project was discussed at length and the committee also heard from objector John Dowson, a former council leader.

He submitted a letter, stating: “I’m sure we would all agree that Dumfries Fountain needs attention and care, however it’s worth pointing out that this is largely due to the corporate neglect of Dumfries and Galloway Council over the last 20 years.

“If the fountain had been properly maintained then this project would be completely unnecessary. It is only before the planning committee because the budget now exceeds £250,000.

“Projects under £250,000 do not require planning permission. If the council is minded to reduce the budget and specification there would be no need for this item to be on the agenda.

“I was involved just after the millennium when the fountain was previously repainted and the water turned on. A simple task carried out within days.”

Urging councillors to reject the planning application, he added: “The fountain can be restored in situ and put back to working order for less than £25,000 as a reasonable estimate, and using local crafts people and traders.”

The proposals would have seen consent given for the dismantling of the town’s historic centrepiece for refurbishment and painting, and the installation of an artwork at the site which incorporates public seating.

However, Abbey Councillor Ian Blake said: “I have no difficulty at all with the listed planning consent and have no difficulty with the permission for restoration of work.

“The artwork, however, is totally inappropriate for this location. I think it’s out of place and it does absolutely nothing for the town centre.

“We can’t refuse one part of the application, so in my view we should refuse this application.”

He was supported by Dee and Glenkens Councillor Jane Maitland, who argued that the artwork did not fit in with the conservation area.

But Annandale East and Eskdale Councillor Archie Dryburgh said: “The application should go ahead. I’m prepared to put forward that we go with the recommendation because we’ve just had seminars about dynamically different Dumfries.

“If we don’t change anything, we don’t dynamically get a different Dumfries.”

He added: “I’m not going to get into the funding, that’s not what we’re here for. We’re here for a planning application.”

The committee rejected the planning application due to the public artwork element, therefore the fountain restoration will not go ahead until a new application with suitable designs is brought forward.


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