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Free farm visits

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By Zac Hannay
Free farm visits

THE FARM where Robert Burns wrote Auld Lang Syne will be opening its doors for free to schools.

The Robert Burns Ellisland Trust has received £3000 from the national agency, Museums Galleries Scotland.

It will allow pupils to see where Burns lived and worked, and explore the outdoor space where he wrote Tam o Shanter and To A Wounded Hare. There is also an extensive collection of farm machinery that can be viewed spanning over two centuries.

All schools are eligible for the grant, however they must apply and funds are allocated on a first come basis. Joan McAlpine, Ellisland business development manager, said: “Unlike council and government museums, we need to charge for entry and for some schools that might be prohibitive.

“So for 2022-23 more pupils will get to enjoy this incredibly important site – which was entirely created by Burns himself.

“To apply, schools just need to fill out our online form.”

The school visit scheme is part of a £17,000 grant from MGS and is the latest funding success for the Robert Burns Ellisland Trust.