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Free lessons to unleash the inner artist in you

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By Fiona Reid
Free lessons to unleash the inner artist in you

ART lovers are set to paint the town red . . . and orange and pink and every colour under the sun thanks to free art lessons in Moffat.

The Moffat Art Collective are hosting an ‘Art for All’ event at the Proudfoot Institute later this month.

It will include short teaching sessions and an opportunity to practice painting with acrylic paint.

There will be two sessions, both lead by well known local artist Robert Stace, with a short break in between.

Secretary of the group, Tina Fox, said: “We are delighted to be able to host this free event thanks to a grant from the community council for materials, room hire etc.

“We hope some budding new artists will emerge and also that people enjoy the experience.

“We will also be serving tea and homemade cake so spectators can be accommodated.” The event is also set to be accompanied by live music from local musicians. MAC members Tom Goff and Don Gillespie will also be helping with the event and Don hopes to demonstrate his cartooning style. Art fans are invited to attend the sessions on Sunday June 26. There are two sessions at 1.15 pm and 3.15 pm. Admission and participation in the event is free but pre-booking is essential so the team know the quantity of materials needed. To attend contact Robert, ideally before June 18, at [email protected].

Front, Lockerbie and Lochmaben

04th Feb

Train delays - latest

By Fiona Reid | DNG24