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Fun sign’s a winner in road repair fight

By Abbey Morton
Fun sign’s a winner in road repair fight

PEOPLE power and a humorous sign have won a battle to get a road repaired.

Over the weekend, a large sign advising motorists to ‘Remove false teeth! Tighten bra straps! Apply a Tena pad!’ appeared on the road side between the Broadchapel Road and the A709, near Lochmaben.

The sign even featured a QR code to take people to the council’s website to report the problem.

It was erected by a neighbour who was fed up reporting the disintegrating surface, and was widely shared.

As a result, within days a council worker was out marking up the road for repair and by yesterday some of the stretch had been resurfaced.

Resident Bryan Woods raised the sign on Friday at 1.30 pm, and by 3.30 pm it was ‘everywhere’.

He said: “I sent it out to all the local media, and also to national newspapers too.

“It has been picked up by papers all over.

“Two surveyors came out on Monday and told me I’d ruffled all the feathers in the council.”

He explained the road was given temporary repairs around two years ago, but the material all came out very quickly.

Bryan continued: “They are making a really good job of it this time.

“They have all been cut out and are being filled with asphalt. I’m going to take the sign down now, that’s it been up long enough.”

It is expected that the work will be complete by the end of next week.

However, Bryan says the

sign is available for anyone else who feels they need a little extra help getting their road fixed.

The postcode can be changed and donations made to the Rotary club, of which he is a member.

Pam Parker, a nearby resident, has battled the road on a daily basis and is thrilled to see it back up to scratch.

She said: “I am delighted to see the road getting fixed, it is just such a shame it has taken four years of reporting it to get this far, but the power of social media has certainly worked in this case!”

Meanwhile, Alison Carruthers is looking forward to using the quiet road with her children.

She found the sign ‘hilarious’ and said: “For us as a family, we are glad that we can now take the kids out on the bikes without fear that they are going to hit a pothole and hurt themselves.

“Fraser, our son, fell off his bike last year due to a pothole and it put him off wanting to go down the road.

“We are delighted that our neighbour had the courage to put the sign up.”

Bryan says he is now going to write to thank Dumfries and Galloway Council for undertaking the work.

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